International Organizations

  • UNESCO Body Leads UN Coordination on Ocean Efforts

    May 09, 2018

    In March, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO hosted its latest UN-Oceans meeting to discuss how the 24 UN bodies working on ocean-related issues can coordinate their efforts to help achieve the UN's "sustainable development" agenda.

  • OSCE Official Demands Policing Reform in US

    May 09, 2018

    Responding to a police shooting in California in March, Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s human rights committee Ignacio Sanchez Amor called on US officials to ensure greater accountability and to introduce "policing reform" to address "systemic problems within US law enforcement" involving the regularity of officers' use of lethal force.

  • World Bank Funds "Climate Resilience" of Jamaican Fishing

    May 08, 2018

    A new grant from the World Bank to Jamaica aimed at helping the country's fisheries sector become more "climate-resilient" shows how the development institution is increasingly embracing the UN's climate agenda in its financing decisions through its Strategic Climate Fund.

  • World Bank Sets up Audit of Business Regulation Rankings

    May 08, 2018

    The World Bank has announced that it has commissioned an independent external audit of the ranking of Chile in the organization's Doing Business report, following media reports that the country's fall in the annual report's ranking on ease of setting up and running a business was motivated by politics.

  • US Legislation Permits Funding Reduction for UN Bodies

    May 08, 2018

    Al-Monitor reports that a March spending bill signed into law by US President Donald Trump includes a provision permitting the US government to reduce by five percent funding to a UN agency or entity it determines has acted against the interest of the US or of any of its allies, including Israel.

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