International Organizations

  • ILO Chief Seeks Global Governance of Labor Migration

    March 07, 2018

    On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, UN International Labour Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder called for a robust governance system at all levels - including at the global level as part of the upcoming "global compact on migration - for migrating workers, in line with international labor standards developed at the UN.

  • WHO Panel Targets Unhealthy Lifestyles

    March 07, 2018

    As UN health officials increasingly wade into the domestic health-policy choices of member countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched an Independent Global High-level Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) to develop and champion government policies targeting the major drivers of NCDs, including unhealthy lifestyle choices.

  • UNESCO Updates Guidance on Sexuality Education

    March 07, 2018

    In a recent press release, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) explains how its recently updated International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education guides education officials across the globe on including in their school curricula lessons seeking to "empower" young people in their sexual choices.

  • UN Identifies Broad Strategies to Counter Gender Inequality

    March 06, 2018

    A recent report from UN Women paints a dire picture of inequality between men and women around the world and calls for a range of policies to contribute to "women's empowerment," including "free and universal child care" and raising government revenue to spend on welfare programs "using all strategies available."

  • UN Body: Child Migrant Detention Always Violates Rights

    March 06, 2018

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on EU institutions to use their development of a Common European Asylum System as an occasion to issue a blanket ban on any detention of child migrants, "even as a last resort," arguing that such detention always constitutes a human-rights violation.

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