International Organizations

  • UN Agent Calls on US to Reverse National Monument Order

    February 12, 2018

    UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples Victoria Tauli-Corpuz has warned that US President Donald Trump's "outrageous" proclamation opening most of Bears Ears National Monument in Utah to natural-resources projects undermines international legal obligations to obtain the consent of indigenous peoples when implementing measures affecting them.

  • NGO: Guantanamo Bay Order Violates International Law

    February 08, 2018

    Amnesty International has published a report asserting that US President Donald Trump's executive order reversing plans to close the US detention facility in Guantanamo Bay and preparing for prisoner transfers to the facility violates US obligations under international human rights law.

  • HRW Criticizes Praise for China from UN, Governments

    February 08, 2018

    Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch criticizes international organizations like the UN Human Rights Council, Western governments, and businesses for engaging with, and even praising, the authoritarian, single-party regime of China without taking a principled stand on the country's broad lack of recognition of democratic values and individual rights.

  • ICRC Reviews Use of "Autonomous" Weapons Systems

    February 08, 2018

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has published a paper reviewing the application of international humanitarian law to the use of so-called "autonomous" weapons systems and indicating some level of human control over the targeting and attacking process is necessary to comply with global rules of warfare.

  • Commentary Points to Flaws in UN Firearms Regulation

    February 08, 2018

    Ted Bromund of the Heritage Foundation writes that UN efforts to regulate the arms trade is only serving to hamper legitimate trade of weapons and ammunition to countries like the US - including the US government - with little impact on less-than-scrupulous companies and countries that pay no attention to provisions limiting trade in firearms and ammunition.

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