International Organizations

  • UNHCR Publishes Draft Global Refugee Compact

    February 07, 2018

    A "zero draft" of a global compact on refugees, developed by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for discussion by UN member states beginning in Geneva next week, sets out a broad set of policies for the integration of refugees in host countries and provides for a system of international financial support for these countries.

  • Article: US Must Take Global Perspective on AI

    February 07, 2018

    Kyle Evanoff and Megan Roberts of the Council on Foreign Relations argue that the US Congress must provide for an "international approach" to the regulation and development of artificial intelligence (AI), eschewing principles of "economic nationalism" in account for the transnational scope of the potential benefits and risks of this technology.

  • IACHR Hears Case on Use of Presidential Pardon

    February 07, 2018

    The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) held a hearing last week to determine whether the current Peruvian President's pardon, on humanitarian grounds, of former President Alberto Fujimori would lead to impunity for serious human rights abuses and would therefore violate the rights of his victims.

  • UNICEF Office Promotes Role of Children's Rights Bodies

    February 06, 2018

    The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Office of Research has released a report examining the varying roles of independent human rights institutions for children in countries around the world and considering ways in which government and other actors can strengthen these institutions in promoting the global children's rights agenda.

  • Academics: Chinese Initiative Calls for New Global Dispute Regime

    February 06, 2018

    He Quanlin and Chen Xiaochen of Renmin University of China call for Chinese authorities to establish a new, global dispute settlement regime, "contributing to global governance," for disputes arising out of the country's massive investments in a Belt & Road initiative connecting the infrastructure of the Eurasian region.

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