International Organizations

  • DeAngelis: Parents Wanted School Choice—And They Voted

    June 08, 2022

    Corey DeAngelis writing for the Heritage Foundation explores how school choice has become a hot button issue in America and one that Republicans have taken on as their own, taking action within their states to create more education options for parents.

  • Aaron Rhodes: Failed UN Mission to China reveals Faulty Human Rights Assumptions

    June 07, 2022

    Aaron Rhodes writing in the Hill asks what lessons are to be learned by the human rights community from the recent mission of  United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet’s to China that failed to investigate Uyghur concentration camps in Xinjiang and celebrated China’s human rights practices.

  • Epstein: Davos ‘Experts’ Created The Global Energy Crisis

    June 01, 2022

    Alex Epstein argues in The Federalist that the experts who presented recommendations to solve the current global energy crisis at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos are actually to blame for the problem, given that, as Epstein continues, they recommended against fossil fuels investments on the false assumption that unreliable solar and wind could rapidly replace them.

  • Luis Miguel: Biden's top USAID Climate Official is a Klaus Schwab Fellow

    May 31, 2022

    Luis Miguel, writing in The New American, reveals Biden’s new top USAID Climate Official, Gillian Caldwell, is a World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab Fellow as well as linked to numerous George Soros funded entities.

  • The Guardian: Hong Kong Churches Drop Tiananmen Tributes

    May 31, 2022

    The removal of history continues in Hong Kong when, for the first time in 33 years, church services to commemorate the Tiananmen Square crackdown will not be held as organizers fear punishment and persecution under the 2020 national security law.

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