Israeli Leader Criticizes "Anti-Semitism" at UN
November 28, 2017
In his September speech before the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced anti-Semitism in the decisions of the world body and its agencies, including in the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) recognition of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron as a Palestinian World Heritage Site.
UN Chief Commits to Reforming Bureaucracy
November 28, 2017
At an event in September hosted by US President Donald Trump, 120 countries supported a declaration supporting UN reforms that UN Secretary-General António Guterres said would purportedly cut bureaucratic red tape and provide "value for money while advancing shared values" at the international organization.
UN Report Seeks Redistribution to Achieve "Sustainability"
November 27, 2017
A recent report from the UN Conference on Trade and Development expressed concerns about a slow-growing world economy and, as a solution, called for a 21st-Century "global new deal," which it defined as an "ambitious and collaborative effort to tackle the inequities of hyperglobalization to build inclusive and sustainable economies."
UN Observer Decries Violations of "Right to Development"
November 27, 2017
A warning from UN Special Rapporteur on the right to development Saad Alfarargi that climate change and economic crises are violating the "human right" of impoverished people to development demonstrates the widespread efforts in the UN human rights apparatus to embed the concept of social and economic rights throughout the UN system.
WHO Laments Lack of Progress on NCDs
November 27, 2017
A September report from the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) on government measures to address noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors such as unhealthy diets and smoking warns that the world is not on track to meet the UN targets on NCDs and pushes for "bolder political action" by governments in the face of "interference by powerful economic operators."