International Organizations

  • UK Faces Pressure to Adopt Global Rights Agenda

    November 20, 2017

    The Guardian reports on recent pressure on the UK government over refusing to commit to carrying out over 100 "recommendations" of the UN Human Rights Council, including to bring the country's abortion laws in line with "international standards" and to place limits on the amount of time a migrant may be held in detention, as part of the Universal Periodic Review process.

  • UN Report Blames Climate Change for Growing Hunger

    November 20, 2017

    Indicating the lock-step nature in which the UN system is pushing the organization's agenda on global warming, a recent report on food security and nutrition from a group of UN agencies blames climate change as a "major driver" of an increase in "hunger" around the world.

  • Bolton: UN Reform Resolution Is Mere "Rhetoric"

    November 20, 2017

    In an interview with Fox News, former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton dismissed a US-sponsored resolution on UN reform as "just the usual rhetoric" and called for countries to move to a system of purely voluntary contributions to the UN to further significant changes and create accountability within the international organization.

  • OSCE Meeting Pushes for "Greener" Economies

    November 20, 2017

    Highlighting the continued focus of the international security organization on environmental issues, the 25th Economic and Environmental Forum hosted by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) examined how "greening the economy" in the group's member states can produce more stability and security.

  • Development Banks Invest Tens of Billions in Climate Finance

    November 20, 2017

    In a September press release, the World Bank explains how it and the other five largest multilateral development banks allocated $27.4 billion toward "climate financing" in poor countries in 2016 as part of their effort to encourage public and private investment in limiting the impacts of global warming under the UN's Paris climate accord.

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