International Organizations

  • GCF Supports "Gender Mainstreaming" in Climate Efforts

    November 08, 2017

    Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Isabella Lövin and Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Howard Bamsey explain how GCF and other climate finance organizations are using "gender mainstreaming" to support the "economic empowerment" of women in the funding of climate-friendly energy projects.

  • UNESCO Chief Seeks Cooperation Toward "New Humanism"

    November 01, 2017

    Opening the international organization's General Conference, the Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova called for countries to adopt a "new humanism" by rejecting the politics of "withdrawal" and embracing such broad concepts as empathy and dialogue.

  • WHO Sparks Outcry with Mugabe Appointment

    October 25, 2017

    The appointment by the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) of Robert Mugabe, the longtime president of Zimbabwe with a "track record of human rights abuses," a "goodwill ambassador" of the organization - an appointment the WHO has since rescinded - points to the WHO's ongoing, controversial relationships with authoritarian governments.

  • UN Body Releases Guidelines on Expansive Disabilities Treaty

    October 25, 2017

    The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recently adopted a General Comment containing guidelines highlighting the expansive nature of the positive obligations the Committee's animating disabilities treaty places on governments that sign up to its mandates, including the duty to provide a range of residential and community services to disabled persons.

  • NGO: China Uses UN Machinery to Silence Critics

    October 25, 2017

    A report from Human Rights Watch accuses China of running a campaign to weaken the UN's global human rights mechanisms by blocking Chinese human rights groups from participating in activities revealing the country's rights abuses at UN bodies, and criticizing UN officials for, at times, acquiescing to Chinese demands to silence its critics.

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