UN Panel Pushes Samoa to Uphold "Sexual Rights"
October 16, 2017
Following a recent visit to Samoa, the UN Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women concluded that the country has failed so far to uphold "women's sexual and reproductive rights" and must establish a "state-sponsored social welfare system" to fully combat gender discrimination.
UNESCO Project Seeks Development Based in "Humanitude"
October 16, 2017
Adama Samassékou, president of the UNESCO-organized World Humanities Conference, describes how his project is seeking to convince global society that, faced with the "bankruptcy" of a Western way of life based on a "culture of having," it must establish a new model of development grounded in "humanitude," or "a spontaneous impulse of welcoming the Other."
US Announces Withdrawal from UNESCO
October 12, 2017
Citing "mounting arrears," lack of reform, and anti-Israel bias at the organization, the US State Department has informed the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that it will withdraw from the agency at the end of 2018 and become a non-member observer state.
WHO Launches Body with Broad Health Mandate
October 11, 2017
As part of the agency's expanding focus in areas related to healthy lifestyles rather than contagious diseases, the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) has established a "high-level global commission on noncommunicable diseases" that will recommend worldwide policy approaches to long-term health and the reduction of injuries and violence.
UN Agents Criticize EU Mediterranean Migrant Policy
October 11, 2017
Two UN human rights mandate holders recently issued a statement criticizing EU and national officials for violating the human rights of migrants by adopting a policy seeking to prevent privately operated boats from transporting migrants off the coast of Libya to Europe, pushing Europe to open new avenues to migration rather than "move its borders" to Libya.