International Organizations

  • Paper Calls for World Body on Climate Engineering

    October 11, 2017

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper calling for the establishment of a "world commission on climate engineering" to explore the implementation and management of the risks of carbon-removal and solar-geoengineering projects seeking to reverse the impacts of global warming.

  • Oxfam: US Corporate Tax Legislation Threatens Rights

    October 11, 2017

    An article published by Oxfam America asserts that American businesses have an ethical responsibility to object to a US congressional tax reform proposal over concerns that its reduction of tax obligations on US businesses will affect the economic and social human rights of "millions" of people around the world.

  • UNESCO Pushes for Data on Asian Learning Outcomes

    October 06, 2017

    As part of the UN agency's effort to monitor and analyze global data on education outcomes in pursuit of the international organization's "sustainable development" agenda, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Bangkok office has launched a program to guide Asian countries on developing and analyzing relevant education data.

  • Diamond: Gard Case Exposes Global Rights Failure

    October 06, 2017

    UK barrister Paul Diamond explains how a British court's denial of an application submitted by the parents of Charlie Gard to take their infant son to the US to receive medical treatment identifies a "gaping hole" in global human rights law that permits countries to deny the rights of parents to make health decisions on behalf of their children.

  • NGO, World Bank Explore Benefits of Regulatory Cooperation

    October 06, 2017

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation and the World Bank Group hosted an event in August gathering a broad variety of government and nongovernmental stakeholders to consider how to expand global regulatory cooperation, through trade deals and other instruments, to increase international trade and economic growth.

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