UNESCO Training Focuses on Climate, "Sustainability" Education
August 29, 2017
At the conclusion of a recent Advanced Training Programme hosted by UNESCO's International Institute for Education Planning, representatives of the Institute stressed to trainees the importance of education on climate change and the UN's "sustainable development" agenda in contributing to "just and peaceful societies" around the world.
UN Officials Push Worldwide Schooling on SDGs
August 29, 2017
At a High-level Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Action Event on Education in New York in June, high-ranking UN officials emphasized their strategy to achieve the international organization's comprehensive "sustainability" agenda in part by convincing countries around the world to include the SDGs and "Global Citizenship Education" in their school curricula.
UNESCO Pushes Scientists to Fulfill SDGs
August 29, 2017
The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently announced a meeting of its Chairs and Networks in the Natural Sciences in Geneva to discuss aligning their scientific and technological research with the fulfillment of the comprehensive social and environmental targets contained in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
City Leaders Join "Covenant" to Support UN Climate Deal
August 29, 2017
In a CNN interview, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Maroš Šefčovič of the European Commission touted their leadership of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and highlighted the Covenant as a way for city leaders to issue their own ambitious pledges to support the fulfillment of the UN's Paris climate accord.
IMF Analysis Targets US Social, Environmental Policies
August 29, 2017
As part of its recommendations to maintain economic growth and "resilience" in the US, staff from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently advised US officials to impose a tax on carbon emissions, enhance "social assistance" programs at the federal and state levels, and prevent a roll-back in healthcare coverage granted under the Obama Administration.