The Hill: Saudi Arabia Considering Accepting Yuan over Dollar for Oil Sales
March 17, 2022
Saudi and Chinese officials have intermittently discussed pricing some of the Gulf nation’s oil sales in yuan rather than dollars over the last six years but have recently increased talks reportedly due to the U.S.’s nuclear negotiations and lack of backing for Saudi Arabia’s military operation in Yemen.
Bedford: Two Years After Lockdowns, The West’s Troubles Are Just Beginning
March 16, 2022
Christopher Bedford writing for The Federalist, examines the effects of the global Covid pandemic and the decisions leaders made in an effort to halt it, warning that the consequences will be hard on America.
WHO Advises Ukraine to Destroy Pathogens in U.S. and EU funded Health Labs
March 16, 2022
The World Health Organization has told Reuters that it advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories researching dangerous diseases, including COVID-19.
Moscow Mechanism Invoked by 45 OSCE States To Review Reported Abuses by Russia
March 08, 2022
In a statement from Ned Price, the U.S. Department of State Spokesperson announced that with Ukraine’s agreement, the United States and 44 other countries have invoked the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) Moscow Mechanism in order to address concerns regarding the human rights impact on the Ukrainian people due to the Russian invasion.
Boris Johnson told to explain why crackdown on Russian ‘dirty money’ will take 18 months
March 08, 2022
Boris Johnson is facing criticism for his promised crackdown on Russian ‘dirty money’ in London being delayed for 18 months, raising concerns that is is too late to make a difference or help the Ukrainian people.