International Organizations

  • Pence Group Files SCOTUS brief Opposing Biden Vaccine Mandate

    January 04, 2022

    Former Vice President Mike Pence announced his advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom, has filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to reject the Biden administration's vaccination mandate for employees of large businesses arguing that it is unconstitutional.

  • CDC Now Treats Un-Boosted The Same as Unvaccinated

    January 04, 2022

    The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) has once again modified its guidelines, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot, treating individuals who have received a double dose but not the booster the same as someone who is unvaccinated.

  • U.S., EU and others Condemn Russia’s Decision to Close Down Human Rights Org.

    January 04, 2022

    The United States, the European Union, Australia, Canada and Britain have condemned the Russian court decisions to shut human rights group Memorial and its sister organisation, the Memorial Human Rights Center which have been active in fighting for human rights for more than three decades.

  • Jimmy Lai and Staff Face New Sedition Charge in Hong Kong

    December 29, 2021

    Jailed pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai was hit with additional charges of "seditious publications"  by Hong Kong persecutors who allege that the publications could "bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection" against the Hong Kong and Chinese governments.

  • U.S. Supreme Court to take up Biden Vaccine Mandate Cases

    December 29, 2021

    The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take up disputes over the Biden administration's nationwide vaccine-or-testing COVID-19 mandate for large businesses and a separate vaccine requirement for healthcare workers and will hear arguments on January 7th, 2022.

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