International Organizations

  • OSCE Explains "Good Practices" in Lawmaking

    August 22, 2017

    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights hosted a conference for policymakers, officials, and nongovernmental organizations in Warsaw in June explaining "good practices" in lawmaking and how to prevent "systemic shortcomings" that lead to legislation in violation of the global human rights agenda.

  • OSCE Pushes Global Standards on Political Finance in Georgia

    August 22, 2017

    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights supported a conference in the Republic of Georgia in June on the effective regulation of money in politics "to ensure a level playing field for political parties" and candidates and on the creation of a "regional peer network" on the implementation of international standards on political finance.

  • OSCE Hosts Conference on Diversity in Ukraine

    August 22, 2017

    The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities organized a conference in Ukraine in June pushing government officials in the country to implement global standards on the treatment of national minorities and to discuss how to "implement policies that facilitate the integration of diverse societies."

  • Experts Critique UN Partnerships in Syria

    August 21, 2017

    George Russell reports that development experts and civil society groups are expressing concern that programs developed by UN agencies, including the International Organization for Migration, providing support for the rebuilding of Syria by President Bashar al-Assad's regime and his allies could act as a vehicle for further atrocities to be committed by the Syrian strongman.

  • Observer: US Must Push Reform at WHO

    August 21, 2017

    Jeff Stier of the National Center for Public Policy Research writes that the US must defund the World Health Organization (WHO) if the UN agency's new Director-General fails to introduce policies addressing the body's "persistent wasteful spending, utter disregard for transparency, pervasive incompetence, and failure to adhere to even basic democratic standards."

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