UN Agents Merge Environmental, Health Agendas
August 18, 2017
Highlighting the continued focus of UN health agents on noncommunicable diseases and on fusing the global agenda on the "right to health" with climate action, UN representatives at an "environment and health" conference in the Czech Republic called for joint governmental action across Europe to reduce pollution- and climate-induced illnesses and death.
UN Agency Prioritizes Global "Gender Mainstreaming"
August 18, 2017
Speaking in June at the UN Economic and Social Council's Coordination and Management Session in New York, Lakshmi Puri of UN Women highlights her agency's focus on "the effective implementation of the gender mainstreaming strategy in all policies and programmes to ensure concrete gender equality outcomes" across the UN system and in UN members.
Hawaii Signs Laws Supporting UN Climate Agreement
August 18, 2017
ABC News reports that, as part of growing action in US states to support the UN's Paris climate accord rejected by the Trump Administration, the Hawaiian Governor has signed into law two bills supporting action on the Paris agreement, one of which "expands strategies and mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions statewide" in line with the global climate agenda.
OSCE Conference Promotes "Gender Mainstreaming"
August 18, 2017
Highlighting its efforts to advance "gender mainstreaming" across all government policy areas, the Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) recently hosted a Gender Equality Review Conference in Vienna promoting "systematic and concrete action" to ensure that "women and men are fully equal in all spheres of life."
Consultant Shares Best Practices on Trafficking Prevention
August 17, 2017
An article by Richard Welford of the nongovernmental organization CSR Asia contains best practices, including through "human rights risks assessments" and reporting policies, for companies to pursue to rid their global supply chains of forced labor.