World Bank Calls for "Greening" of Africa's Cities
August 14, 2017
In June, the World Bank released a report calling for a "comprehensive green urban development strategy" to ensure that the growth of Africa's cities complies with the UN agendas on "sustainability" and "climate resilience."
UN Agent Weighs in on Medication in Mental Health Policy
August 14, 2017
In a June report, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health Dainius Pūras called on governments across the globe to move toward a "rights-based approach" to mental health, warning of power imbalances in the health sector that lead to "paternalistic and excessively medicalized concepts" and result in overuse of medication and violation of rights.
UN Agent Identifies Legal Obligations to Protect "Biodiversity"
August 14, 2017
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment John Knox has called on countries around the world to fulfill their "existent obligations to protect the world’s biological diversity from extinction" and thereby defend the global rights to life, health, food, and water.
NGO: FIFA Must Pressure Russian Officials on Rights
August 14, 2017
Denis Krivosheev of Amnesty International has published an op-ed asserting that the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has a responsibility to "don the referee's jersey" in response to Russian crackdowns on public protests at its 2018 World Cup and pressure government authorities to respect freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
FIFA Clashes with NGO Report on Labor Rights
August 14, 2017
Touting its recent commitments to "human and labour rights" and a "pioneer" monitoring system established to detect worker abuse at construction sites, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) has clashed with an assessment from Human Rights Watch that labor conditions are deteriorating at its 2018 World Cup construction sites in Russia.