International Organizations

  • Report Spotlights UN Inability to Curb Sex Abuse

    August 02, 2017

    George Russell writes that a report from the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services reveals, years after reports of child sex abuse in the country rocked the UN system, the continued inability of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic to effectively monitor, record, or investigate allegations of sexual abuse by its peacekeepers.

  • Professor Criticizes India’s SDG Report

    August 02, 2017

    Visiting Professor at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs W.P.S. Sidhu has criticized India’s recent "voluntary national report" to the UN on the country's implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), arguing that India failed to make “a convincing case of leading the world on SDGs” and should more deliberately incorporate the goals in national policy.

  • UNESCO Event Pushes Urban Action on SDGs

    August 02, 2017

    UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General Irina Bokova met with UN and Italian officials in Fabriano, Italy - one of 116 UNESCO “Creative Cities” - to highlight the role cities must play in the localized implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • African Initiative Guides National SDG Education Strategies

    August 02, 2017

    The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently announced the meeting of a "Regional Coordination Group" for West and Central Africa to develop ideas and resources for implementing education targets in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region by guiding national education planning and teacher standards.

  • G20 Seeks Redistribution to Prevent Catastrophe

    August 01, 2017

    An article published by the World Economic Forum in the lead-up to its May meeting in South Africa highlights a launch by the Group of 20 countries (G20) of a "Compact with Africa" infrastructure program to try to reduce the "wealth gap" between Africa and other continents, an issue G20 leaders identify as a source of mass migration and terrorism.

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