International Organizations

  • Federal Judge Taunted by DEI Dean and Students at Federalist Society Campus Event

    March 15, 2023

    A recent Federalist Society Campus event at Stanford University, featuring invited speaker Federal Judge Kyle Duncan, was interrupted by student protestors and the associate dean of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) who took the stage and accused the Judge of causing harm and suggested the school reconsider its policies on free speech.

  • China Increases its Military Spending by 7.2%

    March 08, 2023

    China has announced a 7.2% increase in its defense budget for the coming year, making it the world’s second-largest military budget behind the United States.

  • Dorminey: “Social Credit Scores” Coming For Federal Employees and Contractors?

    March 08, 2023

    Elizabeth K. Dorminey writing for the Federalist Society, investigates the recent Federal Register notice where the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has proposed an ongoing program of “suitability and fitness” vetting to establish “requirements and standards for agencies to properly vet individuals to assess risk to the integrity and efficiency of the service”, setting federal employees and contractors up for something similar to the Chinese social credit system.

  • Mulligan: Risks of Biden’s ‘Green Recovery’ Plan

    March 08, 2023

    According to Casey B. Mulligan writing in the National Review Online, President Biden’s ‘Green Recovery’ plans, which aim to shift energy use toward renewable sources will not only impose significant costs on consumers but would reduce national incomes by 2–3 percent.

  • U.S. House Committee Investigates U.S. State Dept.’s Silencing of Free Expression

    March 01, 2023

    The U.S. House Oversight Committee is questioning the State Department along with multinational companies, and progressive NGOs weaponize ESG social policies to thwart the free expression of conservative and traditional values in Europe and the U.S.? 

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