South Carolina Legislature’s Upcoming Tenure Bill to Impact Higher Education
January 25, 2022
Jay Schalin, director of policy analysis at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal writes that the bill making its way through the South Carolina legislature, the “Cancelling Professor Tenure Act”, may have a huge impact on the state’s public higher education system eventually providing a model for other states looking to improve the higher education systems.
New York Judge Strikes Down State Mask Mandate
January 25, 2022
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to block President Joe Biden’s vaccination mandate for large businesses, a New York judge struck down the state's mask mandate, ruling that the governor overstepped her authority in imposing a rule that should have been passed by the state legislature.
Starbucks Ends Vaccine Mandate after Supreme Court Ruling
January 19, 2022
In a memo sent to employees, Starbucks CEO John Culver wrote that they will comply with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling rejecting the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate and will no longer require its U.S. workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, reversing their policy.
Duffy: Effects of Covid Rules on Today’s University Students
January 18, 2022
Evita Duffy, writing in the Federalist, gives insight into life as an American university student during Covid and how the strict Rules are affecting a generation.
U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Policy for Large Businesses
January 14, 2022
While endorsing a separate federal vaccine requirement for healthcare workers, The U.S. Supreme Court blocked President Joe Biden's COVID-19 vaccination-or-testing mandate for large businesses citing an improper imposition on the lives and health of many Americans with a concurring opinion providing separation of powers analysis.