OSCE Pursues Climate Agenda in Kazakhstan
July 14, 2017
Demonstrating the expansion of the security-oriented Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) into the field of regional climate cooperation, the OSCE recently launched a series of workshops in Kazakhstan on "the application of green technology in rural areas."
World Bank Uses "Open Data" Model to Pursue Energy Goals
July 14, 2017
The World Bank and its partners have launched an online platform called "ENERGYDATA.INFO" that makes publicly available a vast trove of data on energy systems around the world in pursuit of the achievement of ambitious sustainable energy targets embedded in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
NGOs Criticize Funding for "Extreme Fossil Fuels"
July 14, 2017
A group of environmental organizations has released a report warning that bank funding of "extreme fossil fuel" projects, such as coal mining and “dirty oil” extraction, will push greenhouse gas emissions beyond what is required under the obligations of the Paris Climate Accord.
Study Seeks to Show Progress of UNESCO's "Global Citizenship" Initiative
July 14, 2017
Lionel Bellier of the consultancy GlobeScan reports that a recent international public opinion study commissioned by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) purports to show that most people in the world now identify as "global citizens," as opposed to national citizens, giving a boost to the prospects of the UN's "sustainable development" agenda.
UN Committee: Eviction in Spain Violated "Right" to Housing
July 14, 2017
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has declared that the Spanish government violated the rights of a family with young children for evicting them from their home without ensuring they had alternative housing, asserting that housing is a “right” that states must provide “to the maximum of their available resources.”