UN Agency Predicts Global Warming Through Hypothetical "Forecasts"
July 14, 2017
The UN’s World Meteorological Organization teamed up with television weather anchors to create “Summer in the City” videos that show how global warming "may impact" the weather of major world cities based on hypothetical future climate scenarios.
World Bank Stresses Role in Economic Equality, SDGs
July 13, 2017
The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund's multilateral Development Committee recently issued a statement emphasizing the role of the World Bank in reducing economic inequality and providing for growth in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a comprehensive activist wishlist of social and economic targets.
World Bank Tracks Progress Toward SDGs
July 13, 2017
In April, the World Bank Group hosted a "high-level seminar" making clear its commitment to fulfilling the UN's "sustainable development" agenda and launched a 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to begin monitoring global progress toward achieving the UN's comprehensive social and environmental agenda.
Schaefer: US Must Force UN to Improve Whistleblower Rules
July 13, 2017
Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation has called on the Trump Administration to use US laws providing for the withdrawal of funding from international organizations that fail to meet best practices in protecting whistleblowers to pressure UN officials to issue new standards effectively defending whistleblowers from retaliation.
G20 Bolsters Climate Demands in US Absence
July 12, 2017
Time reports that the Group of 20 (G20) countries, no longer constrained by US calls for moderation after its withdrawal from the UN's Paris deal on greenhouse gas emissions, issued ambitious demands for global emissions reductions at a recent summit in Hamburg.