International Organizations

  • Kelly: UN Must "Recalibrate" Human Rights Movement

    July 05, 2017

    Jim Kelly of Solidarity Center for Law and Justice writes that the UN human rights system must shift its focus away from its broad "catechism" of economic, social, and cultural rights and toward the promotion of the fundamental rights that form the basis of America's Declaration of Independence.

  • Activist Seeks Independent Court for UN Sex Abuse Claims

    June 29, 2017

    Paula Donovan of the advocacy organization AIDS-Free World writes that the UN must create an independent court, outside the apparatus of the UN Secretary-General, to try cases of alleged sexual abuse committed by non-military UN officials.

  • US Joins UNHRC Resolution on Climate-related Rights

    June 28, 2017

    The website Climate Home reports that the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has passed, with US support, a resolution calling for the examination of countries' international obligations to protect the human rights of "climate-induced migrants" fleeing the impacts of global warming in their home countries.

  • AP Report Shows Long-running UN Sex Abuse Problems

    June 23, 2017

    An Associated Press report on a child sex ring maintained by over 100 UN peacekeepers in Haiti between 2004 and 2007, and the uncertainty regarding whether their home countries have held them accountable for their crimes, highlights the long-time lack of institutional will to ensure sex abusers in UN peacekeeping forces face punishment.

  • Multilateral Groups Double down on Climate, Sustainability

    June 22, 2017

    In a joint statement, a variety of UN and other multilateral organizations and the German Government in its capacity as the current president of the G20 group of countries illustrated their continuing prioritization of the comprehensive global climate change and "sustainable development" agendas in guiding economic and trade policies around the world.

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