Berkowitz: Continuing the Work of the Commisson on Unalienable Rights
November 23, 2021
Peter Berkowitz, who served as executive secretary for the 2020 report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights which provides advice on human rights grounded in the nation’s founding principles and the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), discusses recent efforts to continue the work of the commission including an International conference hosted by Venice Commission member and professor Paolo Carozza at Notre Dame’s Kellogg Institute for International Studies.
Eisenberg: The Living Constitution’s Illimitable Government
November 23, 2021
Writing for Lawandliberty.org, David A. Eisenberg examines the dangers of a living constitution.
NATO warns Russia over Ukraine Military Build-Up
November 17, 2021
As Russia builds up troops on Ukraine’s borders, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Russia that the western military alliance is standing by Ukraine.
U.S. Appeals Court Affirms Hold on Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
November 15, 2021
Rejecting a challenge by the Biden administration, a U.S. appeals court upheld its decision to put on hold President Biden’s mandate for companies with 100 workers or more to require COVID-19 vaccines.
Politico: The Parental Revolution Is Bigger Than Critical Race Theory
November 12, 2021
Michael Kruse highlights in Politico the new Parental Revolution taking place across the country following school closings during the Covid pandemic.