Activist Seeks Global Governance for "Climate Justice"
May 26, 2017
In a recent speech at the UN ECOSOC Partnership Forum, former President of Ireland and environment campaigner Mary Robinson called for a new version of global multilateralism that focuses on, as its highest priority, "overcoming the existential threat of climate change while enabling sustainable development for all."
UN Agents Push Right to Health Resources for Migrants
May 26, 2017
A group of UN human rights mandate holders has issued a statement calling on countries participating in upcoming talks to launch a Global Compact for Migration to uphold the right of people with disabilities against discrimination by dedicating financial resources to ensuring healthcare, including "psycho-social support," for disabled migrants.
UN Launches Panel on Achieving "Urban Agenda"
May 26, 2017
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed an independent panel charged with reporting on the fulfillment of the UN's New Urban Agenda, a social and environmental wishlist launched last year at the international organization's "Habitat III" conference in Ecuador to enhance efforts toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
UN Promotes Wide-ranging SDGs at World Ocean Festival
May 25, 2017
The UN and environmental activists recently demonstrated their continued commitment to the international organization's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by hosting a World Ocean Festival in New York to bring attention to the impact of global warming on oceans and the need to meet the ocean-related targets in the SDGs.
Schaefer: US Must Pressure UN on Whistle-blower Rules
May 25, 2017
Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation writes that US officials should motivate UN agencies to pursue best practices in the protection of whistle-blowers by exercising their statutory authority to withhold a portion of the funding of these agencies and communicating what improvements must be made to restore full US contributions.