UN Rights Observer Objects to Obamacare Repeal
May 03, 2017
The Hill reports that a private letter from the UN human rights office to the US State Department voices the concerns of UN Special Rapporteur Dainius Puras that the repeal of the Obama Administration's signature health law could violate the human rights of almost 30 million Americans to health and social security.
UN Body Criticizes Hungarian Detention Policies
May 03, 2017
At the end of a recent visit to Hungary, the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture issued a statement calling on the country to address its "excessive use of detention" and communicating the group's opposition to the government's practice of automatically detaining asylum seekers for extended periods.
Paper Calls for Negotiation of Stronger NAFTA
May 03, 2017
A paper published by the Canadian nongovernmental organization Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) calls for the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to add provisions including "compulsory" regulatory cooperation among the parties and provisions guaranteeing "gender equality."
G20 Creates Group to Monitor Global Financial Governance
April 26, 2017
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble and President of Bundesbank Jens Wiedmann have announced the creation of a group of financial experts within the G20 (Group of 20 forum) designed to “review issues relating to global financial governance” in institutions like the World Bank.
UN Forum Calls for Global Financial System to Align with SDGs
April 26, 2017
At a recent UN event on funding for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN officials expressed their desire for “bold measures to overhaul global finance practices” to ensure funding for the SDGs and take advantage of public and private sources, including “pension funds and the insurance sector.”