UN Agent Pushes Global Funding for “Water Rights”
March 30, 2017
UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to water and sanitation Léo Heller called on governments to direct sufficient funding toward development cooperation in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure that all citizens enjoy the human rights to “safe drinking water and sanitation.”
UN Rights Adviser Predicts Downfall of Trump
March 29, 2017
In a recent interview, member of the Advisory Committee to the UN Human Rights Council Jean Ziegler asserted that US President Donald Trump will not serve a full term in office, due either to "psychiatric problems" or a "moral insurrection" of the American people that will place too much pressure on the Administration to continue to govern.
US Pressures UN Commission on "Sexual Rights"
March 29, 2017
The Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam) reports that, under pressure from the US delegation, the UN Commission on the Status of Women removed references within its "Agreed Conclusions" to a right to abortion and qualified all appearances of the term "sexual and reproductive health" to make clear it does not refer to abortion practices.
UN Women's Commission Asserts Need for "Empowerment"
March 29, 2017
The "Agreed Conclusions" of a recent meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women call on governments to enforce a wide array of rights, including to social protection and "equal pay," intended to promote the broad principle of "women’s empowerment" and help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Gregg: Global Governance "Corrupts" Idea of Human Rights
March 28, 2017
In a recent article, Samuel Gregg of the Acton Institute concludes that the phenomenon of global governance has become detached from traditional values of economic freedom and natural rights and instead aspires to the liberation of individuals everywhere in the world "from any natural or social constraints that might inhibit the realization of" their desires.