Study: UN Deal Requires Zero UK Emissions by 2070
March 21, 2017
The journal Nature Energy has published a study finding that, in order to meet its greenhouse gas emissions pledges under the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in 2015, the UK must introduce an "ambitious policy package" targeting zero carbon emissions by the year 2070 at the latest.
Israeli Official Calls on Trump to Quit UNHRC
March 21, 2017
In a recent opinion piece, Michael Oren, the Deputy Minister for Diplomacy in the Israeli Prime Minister's office, called on the Trump Administration to withdraw US participation from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to oppose what he perceives as unfair and “racist” targeting of Israel by the international body.
South Africa Cancels ICC Withdrawal
March 20, 2017
Newsweek reports that the South African government has notified the UN of the cancellation of its plans to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC) after the country's High Court held that leaving the global tribunal requires parliamentary approval.
UN Agent Opposes City Measure on Homelessness
March 20, 2017
UN Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha has issued a statement calling on the City Council of Melbourne, Australia, not to pass a measure penalizing homeless people for living on the streets of the city and arguing that the fact that there are people who are homeless in the city is a "gross violation of the right to adequate housing."
UN Observers Criticize EU Migrant Recommendations
March 20, 2017
A group of UN human rights mandate holders has published a statement targeting the recommendations of EU institutions that member states speed up returns of migrants to their countries of origin and detain those who illegally cross their borders as threats to migrants' human rights.