International Organizations

  • Latin American Ministers Agree to "Sustainability" Education

    February 20, 2017

    At a recent meeting in Argentina, education ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean committed to a Buenos Aires Declaration for the advancement of the UN's Education 2030 Agenda on promoting "sustainable development" among students of all ages and agreed to establish a regional Secretariat of the Education 2030 Committee.

  • UN Initiative Will Push Climate Adaptation Measures

    February 20, 2017

    The UN Environment Programme, the Netherlands, and Japan have agreed to form a joint initiative called the Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation to provide information on measures the public and private sectors around the world must take to adapt to global warming.

  • Study Promotes Scrutiny of National Climate Efforts

    February 20, 2017

    The Los Angeles Times reports that a new scientific study seeks to permit public scrutiny of progress by countries around the world in fulfilling their greenhouse gas pledges under the UN climate change deal agreed in Paris in 2015 and highlights the drastic technological advancements needed to meet the goals of the agreement.

  • NGO Reports Anti-Israel Posts from UNRWA Staff

    February 17, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization UN Watch has published a report aggregating a series of instances in which teachers and staffers of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria posted anti-Semitic and anti-Israel content on their social media pages.

  • Haley Explores UN Peacekeeping Funding Cuts

    February 17, 2017

    The Times of Israel reports that new US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has initiated a "mission-by-mission review" of UN peacekeeping operations around the world in an effort to propose cuts to her country's 29 percent share of the international organization's peacekeeping budget under the Trump Administration.

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