International Organizations

  • Obama UN Spending Hit $9.2 Billion in Final Year

    February 17, 2017

    George Russell reports that, according to US State Department records from the final year of his Administration, US President Barack Obama provided funds in the amount of $9.2 billion to UN agencies, representing a 20 percent increase in spending on the international organization from numbers released in 2010.

  • Tool Tracks Trump's Global Rights Violations

    February 16, 2017

    The Columbia Human Rights Law Review has collaborated with human rights lawyers, student groups, and professors to establish a "Trump Human Rights Tracker" aggregating the aspects of the global human rights agenda they deem that US President Donald Trump has violated, including economic and social rights.

  • Despite Results, HRW Maintains Need for UN Rights Treaties

    February 16, 2017

    An article from Akshaya Kumar of Human Rights Watch laments the ineffectiveness of the UN treaty body system in remedying human rights violations around the world but asserts that there continues to be a "crucial" need for a global, "sophisticated architecture to monitor and track human rights violations."

  • Schaefer Praises Draft Orders on Multilateral Funding

    February 16, 2017

    Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation has published an article exploring the potential positive impacts of two draft US executive orders on evaluating and reducing funding for international organizations, including an increase in efficiency at such organizations and a more appropriate balance of funding for such entities between the US and other countries.

  • UN Chief: Israeli Settlement Measure Violates Law

    February 15, 2017

    In line with the recent UN Security Council resolution seeking to block further development of Israeli settlements in "occupied" Palestinian territory, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has declared that an Israeli measure legalizing some of these settlements violates international law and will lead to "far-reaching legal consequences" for Israel.

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