International Organizations

  • NGO Criticizes World Bank for Fossil Fuel Funding

    February 14, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Bank Information Center has produced a report accusing the World Bank's Development Policy Financing program of using development funds in support of "investment incentives" for coal, oil, and gas projects around the world.

  • Report Calls for Drastic Scale-up in "Green" Technology

    February 14, 2017

    Researchers at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment have produced a study warning that, for countries to achieve the goal of the UN's Paris deal agreed in 2015 to limit global warming to at most two degrees celsius, the current adoption of clean energy technology must increase by a factor of 10.

  • UN Agent: Enforce Israeli Settlement Resolution

    February 08, 2017

    The UN Special Rapporteur for human rights "in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967," Michael Lynk, has called on the UN Security Council to flex its muscles in enforcing a resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

  • OSCE Official Warns US on Reporter Arrests

    February 03, 2017

    Connecting the arrests to general "threats" from the Trump Administration toward the media, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović called on local authorities to uphold international free speech obligations when trying two reporters for "inciting a riot" during Trump inauguration protests.

  • World Bank: Inequality Prevents Good Governance

    February 03, 2017

    In its 2017 World Development Report, the World Bank calls for governance changes to overcome problems posed by the "unequal distribution of power" to policy implementation and proposes, in part, influence from the international community in national contexts to spur "meaningful" policy reforms.

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