International Organizations

  • HRW: Obamacare Repeal May Violate Human Rights

    February 01, 2017

    Human Rights Watch has published an article linking plans by the current US Congress and President to repeal and replace a health care law attributed to former President Barack Obama with an attack on the global "right to access health services."

  • Paper Seeks Bolstering of Global Refugee System

    February 01, 2017

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper calling for the Canadian Government to lead international efforts to develop new global standards to guide the refugee resettlement system and introduce "binding mechanisms and measurable benchmarks" to increase the number of refugees resettled around the world.

  • UN Official Consults on "Women's Empowerment" Agenda

    January 31, 2017

    At a consultation preparing for a session of the UN's Commission on Status of Women, Lakshmi Puri of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women discussed the best methods for the Commission to prepare global recommendations on "women's economic empowerment" in line with the UN's comprehensive sustainable development agenda.

  • Draft US Orders Target Multilateral Funding, Treaties

    January 30, 2017

    The New York Times reports that the Trump Administration is considering two draft executive orders that would reduce US funding toward international organizations and initiate a review of treaties involving more than two countries from which the US should withdraw.

  • Article Warns of Impacts of Defunding UN

    January 30, 2017

    In response to growing calls in the US Congress and White House for a reduction in the US funding of and engagement in the UN, former UN Security Council official Howard Stoffer writes that, while the UN is "overdue for serious internal changes," such a US withdrawal would have a destabilizing impact and would not be in the interest of the American people.

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