International Organizations

  • OSCE Official Criticizes Hungary's Migrant Detention Plans

    January 27, 2017

    Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s human rights committee Ignacio Sanchez Amor has asserted that the Hungarian government's proposal to detain asylum seekers for the duration of their application process threatens a violation of global human rights norms.

  • WEF Forms Ocean "Sustainability" Partnership

    January 26, 2017

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced a new partnership with the University of California Santa Barbara’s Marine Science Institute to engage scientists on how to contribute to "ocean change" to fulfill marine-related provisions of the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals.

  • WEF Panel: Go Beyond COP21 Pledges

    January 26, 2017

    Participants on a panel at the 2017 World Economic Forum (WEF) called for governments to go beyond their commitments from the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in 2015 (COP21) to fight climate change, including by agreeing to "retrofit for greater energy efficiency every building in every community in the world."

  • Haass Seeks Establishment of "World Order 2.0"

    January 26, 2017

    Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass writes that confronting global challenges that have no regard for borders requires, governments to form a "World Order 2.0" premised on "obligations" sovereign states have to each other, the contours of which are decided by a system of global governance.

  • New UN Whistleblower Policy Faces Scrutiny

    January 26, 2017

    George Russell writes that an updated UN policy on the treatment of whistleblowers approved by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will be subject to the scrutiny of the US Secretary of State to determine whether it meets the US's "best practices" standard for full funding of UN operations.

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