NGOs Criticize Corporate Charter on Mexican Produce
January 25, 2017
The Los Angeles Times reports that labor and consumer groups are criticizing an "Ethical Charter" released by North American companies in the food industry pledging to adhere to the law and to "international expectations" in obtaining produce from Mexican farms for failing to include an enforcement mechanism, including "audits by trained inspectors," in its provisions.
UNESCO Takes on Worldwide School Bullying
January 24, 2017
The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has published a "global status report" analyzing data on school bullying in countries around the world and calling on governments to take action on the issue to ensure respect for the "fundamental right to education."
OSCE Official Expresses Concern on UK Media Law
January 24, 2017
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović has warned of threats to the freedom of expression involved in UK legislation requiring media sources that are not members of an official press regulator to cover the legal costs of plaintiffs in libel and privacy cases, even when the media defendant wins the case.
WEF Deepens Global Governance Cooperation with China
January 24, 2017
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has signed a memorandum of understanding with China’s National Development and Reform Commission with the aim of increasing collaboration between WEF and China over the next 10 years, including on global economic governance, climate change initiatives, and China's regional "Belt and Road" infrastructure initiatives.
WEF Signs Plastics Companies to Action Plan
January 24, 2017
The World Economic Forum has highlighted how international and nongovernmental organizations seek to make binding policy changes out of business pledges by signing more than 40 leaders from plastic companies to a New Plastics Economy initiative setting out a "global action plan" on expanding recycling practices.