International Organizations

  • WEF: 2017 Challenges Require "Reform" of Capitalism

    January 19, 2017

    The World Economic Forum's (WEF) 2017 Global Risks Report calls for "reforming market capitalism" to deal with such challenges from the agenda of global governance institutions as climate change, "intensifying national sentiment," and increasing income and wealth inequality.

  • Gennarini Outlines Potential Trump UN Reform

    January 19, 2017

    Stefano Gennarini of the nongovernmental organization C-FAM has published a five-point agenda on priorities for the Trump Administration at the UN, including rolling back "egregious" sexual and reproductive health policies - often interpreted to include abortion - and pushing back on the expanding jurisdiction of UN human rights treaty bodies.

  • CoE Group Calls for US Anti-Corruption Reforms

    January 19, 2017

    The Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption has published a report calling on the US government to "further enhance" its protections against corruption through measures including requiring more transparency in legislative lobbying and reconsidering the requirement to re-appoint certain federal judges.

  • UAE Prepares Fifth World Government Summit

    January 19, 2017

    Supported by partners in the UN, World Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and other multilateral institutions, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has organized its fifth World Government Summit in Dubai with sessions including a Global Dialogue for Happiness and a Forum on Climate Change and Food Security.

  • Haley Questions Benefits of US Funding for UN

    January 18, 2017

    The Telegraph reports that, in testimony before a congressional select committee, South Carolina Governor and the prospective nominee for US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley expressed her skepticism of the benefits the US receives from funding the UN and criticized the UN Security Council's recent resolution condemning Israeli settlements.

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