International Organizations

  • Report Points to Anti-Israel Textbooks at UN-funded Schools

    January 17, 2017

    Perry Chiaramonte writes that a report from the Center for Near East Policy Research asserts that Palestinian schools operated by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) use textbooks that deny the legitimacy of Israel and links of the Jewish people to holy sites in Jerusalem.

  • AI: Guantanamo Illustrates US "Human Rights Deficit"

    January 16, 2017

    In a recent press release, Amnesty International asserts that human rights pledges made by the US as it prepared for a new term on the UN Human Rights Council in 2017 belie its "pick-and-choose" approach to the global human rights agenda, illustrated by the government's continued detention of terror suspects at its base in Guantanamo Bay.

  • OSCE Promotes "Environmental Education" Initiatives

    January 16, 2017

    Demonstrating how the organization has integrated the UN's "sustainable development" agenda in its comprehensive approach to security, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) recently held a workshop on "environmental education" in Armenia that included a discussion on "eco-education at the pre-school level."

  • World Bank Funds Sri Lankan "Social Safety Nets"

    January 16, 2017

    The World Bank has signaled its continued emphasis on supporting government redistribution of wealth in countries around the world by announcing its $75 million financing of a "social safety nets" project in Sri Lanka.

  • Google Announces Achievement of Climate Pledge

    January 16, 2017

    As part of a nongovernmental organization-led coalition of companies that have responded to environmental activist pressure by committing to ambitious renewable energy goals, technology giant Google has announced that it will fulfill its promise to rely completely on renewable electricity beginning in 2017.

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