International Organizations

  • ILO Signs Governments to "Social Justice" Pledge

    January 04, 2017

    At a recent meeting hosted by the UN's International Labour Organization (ILO) in Bali, Indonesia, governments officials, workers, and employer organizations from Asia and the Pacific pledged to implement global labor standards to advance the ILO's agenda of "inclusive growth, social justice and decent work."

  • Dutch Officials Take Steps Toward Mandatory CSR

    January 04, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization MVO Platform reports ona two-step Dutch government plan to advance acceptance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives among Dutch businesses, first by signing agreements with businesses to promote CSR in their international activities, then mandating the acceptance of these agreements across entire industrial sectors.

  • UN Agents: Detaining Child Migrants Violates Rights

    January 03, 2017

    A group of UN human rights mandate holders has asserted that any detention of migrant children and families is a "clear child rights violation" and has called on governments to commit resources to ensuring the placement of migrant children in a "national alternative care system" with access to an attorney and an education system.

  • UNGA Seeks Funding for Haiti Cholera Response

    January 03, 2017

    The UN General Assembly has called on UN member states to cover the $400 million cost of the international organization's plan to provide relief to the victims of a cholera epidemic in Haiti that began in 2010 as a result of the contamination of the country's water supply by UN peacekeeping forces.

  • Economist: OECD Ignores Singapore Model in Tax Push

    January 03, 2017

    Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute writes that a recent report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) fails to reconcile its claim that developing Asian countries must drive up their ratio of taxes versus economic output with its recognition that Singapore has a highly successful economy with exceptionally low taxes.

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