Academics Detail Negative Rights Records of UNHRC Members
November 08, 2016
In a recent survey, Professors Adam Chilton and Robert Golan-Vilella of the University of Chicago Law School found that the human rights records of members of the UN Human Rights Council are worse than the average record of UN members that are not on the body, raising questions about the UNHRC's credibility in examining human rights violations.
UN Report Seeks "Dramatic" Emissions Reductions
November 08, 2016
A report from the UN Environment Programme on the eve of last week's entry into force of the UN's Paris climate deal calls for countries to "dramatically" accelerate their restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the negative impacts of global warming and reduce the number of "climate refugees" who must relocate due to the these threats.
UN Group Criticizes Handling of French "Jungle" Camp
November 07, 2016
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has asserted that the UK and France have "completely disregarded" their global human rights obligations by failing to abide by the Committee's "precise recommendations" for dealing with child migrants while dismantling the Calais "Jungle" migrant camp in France.
WTO Criticizes Non-Compliance on Subsidy Notifications
November 07, 2016
The Chair of the World Trade Organization’s Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Jin-dong Kim, has warned of widespread non-compliance with the WTO's rules requiring notification of domestic subsidy programs.
World Bank Pushes Climate Measures in MENA Region
November 07, 2016
A "call for action" on going green in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region published by the World Bank Group signals the extent to which the multilateral development bank has enmeshed its agenda for funding infrastructure and other development projects with the UN's agenda on climate change.