International Organizations

  • UN Agent Identifies Right to Emissions Reduction

    November 07, 2016

    Linking current weather events in Madagascar with global warming, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John Knox, has asserted that countries have a human rights obligation to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions under the UN's Paris climate agreement to limit the negative impacts of climate change on such developing countries.

  • Paper Seeks Global Governance of "Climate Engineering"

    November 04, 2016

    A paper from the Centre for International Governance Innovation argues that the UN climate deal agreed in Paris last year contains the "building blocks for an internationally integrated approach" to removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in order to achieve the goals of the agreement in combating climate change.

  • UN Chief Fires Commander in South Sudan

    November 04, 2016

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has removed a Kenyan Lieutenant General in charge of peacekeeping forces in South Sudan following the appearance of an internal report detailing the inaction and disorder of peacekeepers during an attack on a UN base and private compound that killed 73 people, including civilians and aid workers.

  • Experts Spotlight Drawbacks of UN Nuclear Resolutions

    November 04, 2016

    Michaela Dodge and Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation explain the negative implications of a UN resolution calling for the outright ban of nuclear weapons and a UN Security Council resolution, supported by the Obama Administration, pushing to end the testing of such weapons.

  • Observers: UNHRC Candidacies Signal Credibility Gap

    November 04, 2016

    Javier El-Hage and Roberto González of the Human Rights Foundation write that the recent candidacies of authoritarian regimes such as Saudi Arabia and China for seats on the UN Human Rights Council signal the same fatal credibility flaws that plagued the UN Commission on Human Rights before it was disbanded in 2006.

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