UN Agent: Israel Blocks Palestinian Development
November 04, 2016
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Lynk, has called on Israel to end its 50-year "occupation" of Palestinian land and has decried Israel's violation of the "inalienable right to equitable and just economic and social development" of the people in the region.
ILO Convenes Business "Social Protection" Network
November 04, 2016
The International Labour Organization's Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors recently met in Geneva to discuss how to advance their efforts to expand "social protection" schemes within their business operations and to push governments to recognize the need for "national social protection floors."
WEF Launches ASEAN Business Council
November 04, 2016
The World Economic Forum is supporting the launch by 55 companies of the Regional Business Council for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which will advance "public-private partnerships" in the region and persuade businesses to help encourage "inclusive growth."
Paper: UN Climate Deal Includes Rights Obligations
November 02, 2016
Patrícia Galvão Ferreira of the Centre for International Governance Innovation argues that the combination of provisions referring to human rights in the UN's Paris climate deal and Sustainable Development Goals means that many countries have accepted an obligation to integrate the global human rights agenda in their efforts to combat global warming.
Rubin Calls on Governments to Disband UNESCO
November 01, 2016
Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute argues that the adoption by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization of a resolution denying Jewish ties to religious landmarks in Jerusalem shows it is time to disband UNESCO and replace it with a new organization, outside the UN, that is "less beholden to politics."