US Lawmakers Warn Against UNSC Resolution on Israel
September 21, 2016
Responding to reports of a potential UN Security Council resolution setting parameters for a "two-state solution" for Israelis and Palestinians, 88 US Senators have signed a letter calling for President Barack Obama to veto any such resolution that bypasses the process of direct negotiation.
Kontorovich Points out Dangers of UN Focus on Israel
September 21, 2016
Law professor Eugene Kontorovich explains how the disproportionate use by UN institutions of harsh terms to describe Israel's presence in Palestinian territories, as opposed to the terms it uses regarding other instances of "occupation and settlement" throughout the world, blinds the UN to the need to spotlight occupations and human rights abuses in a global context.
UN Agent: Representative Democracy Denies Public Participation
September 21, 2016
Asserting that "parliamentary despotism" and the influence of special interests on the political process deny the general public its right to participate in policy decisions, UN human rights mandate holder Alfred de Zayas has called for more public initiatives and referenda around the world to secure "a more just world order."
AI Decries "Ineffective" UN Refugee Agreement
September 21, 2016
Amnesty International has criticized the "abject failure" of a recent UN summit in New York to resolve the global migration crisis, as Secretary General of the nongovernmental organization Salil Shetty blames "national self-interest" for the rejection of a binding deal that would have required countries to commit to taking in a certain number of refugees each year.
OECD: Governments Must Communicate Migration Benefits
September 21, 2016
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has called on governments to better communicate the benefits of mass migration into their countries and better integrate migrants in order to counter "growing anti-immigration backlash."