International Organizations

  • NGOs Seek NHRI Involvement in Rights Education

    September 19, 2016

    In a recent panel discussion at the UN Human Rights Council, the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions called on countries to consult their national human rights institutions in implementing "human rights education" programs to teach children about the global human rights agenda.

  • UNHCR Pushes European Countries on Refugees

    September 19, 2016

    The Office of the UN High Commissioner on Refugees has criticized European countries for not following through on commitments made in 2015 to resettle approximately 160,000 asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa and has called on the countries to "lower the threshold for relocation candidates" seeking to relocate within the EU.

  • UN Agent Pushes Human Rights Focus in Trade Deals

    September 16, 2016

    Denying that international trade deals negotiated in secret and not subjected to national referendums have "any democratic legitimacy," UN Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas has called for NGO participation in trade negotiations and for the "mainstreaming" of global human rights obligations in every trade deal.

  • Article Explores Impacts of UN Climate Deal Threshold

    September 16, 2016

    Bloomberg BNA reports that the expected early entry into force of the UN climate change agreement negotiated in Paris last year would make more complex the process of withdrawal by countries, such as the US, that hold national elections at the end of 2016.

  • NGOs Criticize German Efforts on UN Climate Deal

    September 16, 2016

    Sören Amelang writes that nongovernmental organizations are criticizing the German government's 30-year plan on climate change, announced at the 2015 UN summit in Paris on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, for failing to include a firm deadline for a German "coal exit."

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