International Organizations

  • US, China Formally Join UN Climate Deal

    September 14, 2016

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has applauded the leaders of the US and China for formally joining the UN deal on monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions negotiated in Paris last year and called for more countries to join the agreement to meet the required threshold to bring it into force by the end of 2016.

  • UN Agency Blames Israel for Palestinian Economic Woes

    September 14, 2016

    A report from the UN Conference on Trade and Development identifies Israel's "occupation" of Palestinian territory as the main obstacle against economic progress in the area, predicting that, without the Israeli presence, the gross domestic product of Palestine would be at least twice what it currently generates.

  • UNESCO Report Calls for Climate Focus in Education

    September 14, 2016

    The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization has published a Global Education Monitoring report calling for schools around the world to increase attention among children regarding environmental concerns, including the UN's agendas on climate change and "sustainable development."

  • Israeli Official Seeks Reversal of Anti-Israel Trend at UN

    September 13, 2016

    Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, has published an op-ed calling for countries at a High-Level Forum on Global Anti-Semitism to reverse the trend at the UN in which he says anti-democratic regimes have manipulated the international organization's procedures to make Israel the special target of criticism on human rights and other issues.

  • UN Office Tweet Questions Value of Free Markets

    September 13, 2016

    The Telegraph reports that the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recently deleted a tweet asking whether "free market fundamentalism," which it defined as "the belief in the infallibility of free market economic policies," poses an "urgent threat."

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