Experts Warn of ICANN Unaccountability
August 29, 2016
Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation and Paul Rosenzweig of Red Branch Consulting LLP call for the US to provide for a test period during which authorities can review the transition of oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers from the US government to a global, multistakeholder group they say provides few checks upon ICANN leaders.
Schaefer: US Should Freeze UN Funding in Gaza
August 29, 2016
Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation writes that, as Israel moves forward with charges against a contractor of the UN Development Programme for diverting aid funding to terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the US should deny further funding of UN efforts in the region until the organization shows no funds are going to Hamas.
NGO Measures Business Involvement in SDGs
August 29, 2016
As his nongovernmental organization Ethical Corporation publishes a survey of businesses around the world on their commitment to fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Liam Dowd expresses concern that fewer than half of companies plan to engage with their governments in helping to realize the comprehensive SDG agenda.
UN Agent Pinpoints Worldwide Age of Criminal Responsibility
August 26, 2016
UN Special Rapporteur on torture Juan Méndez has called on Brazilian legislators to reject a constitutional amendment that would lower the age at which the state would consider people fully responsible for committing "heinous crimes" from 18 to 16, arguing that prosecuting 16-year-olds as adults would violate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Editorial Pushes More Global Aid on Climate Change
August 26, 2016
An editorial in The New York Times calls on rich countries to ramp up their funding promises from a 2009 UN climate summit in Copenhagen to build infrastructure in poor countries to help them resist and adapt to the ongoing impacts of global warming.