UNICEF Warns of Legalized "Family Work" in India
July 28, 2016
The UN Children's Fund has called on India to remove from its new child labor laws an exception that permits children to work "where the child helps his family or family enterprises" after school or during vacations, arguing that the provision will cause the exploitation of children and drive them to drop out of school.
G-20 Advances UN's "Green Finance" Agenda
July 28, 2016
At a recent meeting of the G-20 group of countries in Chengdu, China, finance ministers and central bank governors adopted a communication supporting initiatives from the G-20 Green Finance Study Group and backed by the UN Environment Programme to scale up the use of financial instruments to promote renewable energy and counter global warming.
Governments Plan New Hydrofluorocarbon Clampdown
July 27, 2016
National and UN representatives meeting in Vienna have prepared an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, likely to be agreed at a conference in Rwanda in October, that will "phase down" global use of hydrofluorocarbons in an effort to limit climate change.
UN Agencies Call for End to Fishing Subsidies
July 27, 2016
UN Environment Executive Director Erik Solheim has issued a statement of support for calls from the UN Commission on Trade and Development and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for governments to help realize the UN Sustainable Development Goals by halting fishing subsidies.
Countries Propose Bolstered Migration Role for OSCE
July 27, 2016
At a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Permanent Council in Vienna, countries developed proposals for the OSCE's future contribution to the global governance of international migration flows.