UN Envoy Criticizes UK, Germany on Climate
July 21, 2016
Citing new government subsidies in the UK and Germany for the oil, coal, and gas industries, former President of Ireland and UN special envoy on climate change, Mary Robinson, has criticized the countries for violating the "spirit" of their pledges under the UN climate deal agreed last year in Paris.
NGOs Criticize UNCTAD Trade, IP Involvement
July 20, 2016
Intellectual Property Watch reports that a letter published by a network of nongovernmental organizations calls on the UN Conference on Trade and Development to reject involvement in the promotion of "trade liberalization" and intellectual property rights and instead should focus on advancing the UN's agenda on "sustainable development."
UNHRC Expands Calls on Rights in Climate Action
July 20, 2016
Sébastien Duyck writes that the latest UN Human Rights Council resolution on climate change featured expansive provisions calling on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to focus on human rights in its efforts to implement the UN's climate agenda.
OSCE Promotes Rights-Based Legal Education in Ukraine
July 20, 2016
At a roundtable discussion in Kiev supported by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, a group of law faculty lecturers produced a set of recommendations on how to promote a "human rights-based approach to legal education" that includes standards and case law from the European Court of Human Rights at law schools in Ukraine.
World Bank Funds Climate-Focused Farming in China
July 20, 2016
The World Bank and the Government of China are co-funding a $313.14 million project on "Integrated Modern Agriculture Development" to boost "climate-smart" agriculture in China and improve farm resilience in the face of global warming.