NGO "Report Card" Evaluates Tech Companies on Human Rights
July 18, 2016
A group of nongovernmental organizations forming the Global Network Initiative has released a report reviewing the practices of technology companies that have adopted GNI standards for respecting the human rights of users and lamenting the lack of public information on corporate protection of privacy in this industry.
EU Members Approve US Data Deal
July 15, 2016
The Economic Times reports that European national data regulators have approved a new EU data transfer deal with the US under which the US government pledges to limit bulk collection of data and will appoint a data ombudsperson who handles data complaints from the EU.
UN Group Condemns "Institutional Racism" in US
July 15, 2016
The Chairman of the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, Ricardo Sunga III, has condemned the recent killings of two black men by police in the US as demonstrations of "a high level of structural and institutional racism" and evidence that the US does not recognize the same rights for black citizens.
Weiss Calls for Universalized Global Governance
July 15, 2016
In a recent interview, Professor Thomas Weiss of the City University of New York expresses his dissatisfaction with the progress of nongovernmental organizations and corporations in pushing a fractured, incomplete version of global governance and calls for the rise of a more universal form of governance under intergovernmental organizations.
UN Official Lauds American Climate Commitment
July 15, 2016
The head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Robert Glasser, congratulated Canada, Mexico, and the US for developing the North American Climate, Clean Energy and Environment Partnership, under which the countries have committed to generating half their energy from renewable sources by the year 2025 and to countering disaster risks caused by climate change.