Oxfam Scrutinizes Unilever Labor Rights Impact
July 14, 2016
Nongovernmental organization Oxfam and consumer goods company Unilever have collaborated on a report in which Oxfam reviews Unilever's impact on labor rights issues in Vietnam and calls for the company to improve its contributions to the business and human rights agenda.
AI Proposes Global System to Resettle Refugees
July 13, 2016
Amnesty International has published a document calling on governments to develop an international system to resettle all refugees meeting UN criteria through which countries would bind themselves to a standard determining the number of refugees for which they should be responsible.
OHCHR: SDGs Are Built on Human Rights Agenda
July 13, 2016
As the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development held its first meeting since the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement calling on participants to wed their efforts to achieve the SDGs with the implementation of the broadly defined, global human rights agenda.
OSCE Declaration Covers Climate, Migrant Rights
July 13, 2016
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Parliamentary Assembly recently adopted a wide-ranging 2016 Tbilisi Declaration, which includes calls for governments to implement the UN deal on limiting greenhouse gas emissions and to work toward an "inclusive approach" toward mass migration.
UN Agents Warn of Economic Focus in "Urban Agenda"
July 13, 2016
A group of UN special rapporteurs and independent experts has warned that the focus of the UN's "New Urban Agenda," a development agenda for cities around the world, neglects economic and social human rights in favor of "unrestrained urban economic growth."