Academic Freedom Decreasing in Hong Kong
July 13, 2021
Since the implementation of the national security law in July 2020, Hong Kong has seen a rapid dwindling of academic freedom including attacking teachers at all levels of education on the grounds that the teacher's behavior in some way endangers national security, as public comments that are critical of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments are illegal.
Russian Opposition Politician Leaves Moscow District Role over ‘Pressure'
July 13, 2021
Ilya Yashin, a prominent Russian opposition politician and close ally of Alexei Navalny, has resigned, claiming his team has been increasingly pressured by Moscow, including endless inspections and detainment.
SCOTUS To Decide if Vouchers Can Be Used At Schools that Teach Religion
July 07, 2021
In a move that could expand educational opportunity for all families, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear hear a case that could eliminate a major legal barrier to educational choice programs across the country following last years decision in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue that declared it was unconstitutional for educational choice programs to block parents from sending their children to attend religious schools simply because of their “religious status.”
Critical Race Theory Opponents to be Targeted by NEA Teachers' Union
July 07, 2021
The National Education Association (NEA) has released a message on its official website that declares the group will research the organizations in opposition to educators teaching critical race theory, as well as give a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to use when faced with opposition.
Bloomberg: U.S. Lawmakers Pressure UN to Review Violations in China
July 07, 2021
The co-chairs of a congressional panel that monitors human rights in China and calibrating U.S. policy toward the nation pressed the United Nations secretary-general to increase the organization’s review of potential violations, citing specifically human rights abuses by Beijing in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.