International Organizations

  • UN Agency Pushes SDG Data-Collection Effort

    March 16, 2016

    George Russell reports that, to match the "sprawling" scope of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), which seek social and environmental transformation of society by 2030, the UN Statistical Commission has proposed an "unprecedented" system of global data gathering to measure SDG progress.

  • UN Cites Benefits of "Comprehensive Sexuality Education"

    March 16, 2016

    A report published by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") argues that UN-promoted "comprehensive sexuality education" has led to the exercise by young people across the globe of their sexual and reproductive health rights, often interpreted to include a right to abortion.

  • US Pays $500 Million to UN Green Climate Fund

    March 16, 2016

    The Guardian reports that the Obama Administration has paid its first, $500-million installment of the $3 billion it pledged to the UN's Green Climate Fund, which pays poor countries to mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming, under the UN climate deal reached in December 2015.

  • US Lawmakers Call on UN Rights Chief to Clarify Zika Comments

    March 10, 2016

    Over fifty US Members of Congress have signed a letter calling for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein to clarify a statement he made which they say appears to push countries affected by the Zika virus, which is linked to birth defects, to loosen restrictions on access to abortion and "exploits a genuine public health crisis to advance a political agenda."

  • EU Members Seek Higher Targets Under UN Deal

    March 10, 2016

    According to the website Climate Home, a group of EU member states has criticized the European Commission for keeping in place greenhouse gas emissions targets it agreed in 2014 for the year 2030 following a far-reaching UN climate deal in December 2015 and has called for the EU to meet its commitments under the new deal by raising its ambition on climate targets.

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