Paper: US, UK Should Enter Free Trade Deal
June 29, 2016
Ted Bromund and Nile Gardiner of the Heritage Foundation write that a UK exit from the EU means the US and UK should form a "Free Trade Area" and the US should cease its support for the EU at the expense of national sovereignty.
NGOs Seek Universal "Social Compact" on Internet
June 29, 2016
The nongovernmental initiative the Global Commission on Internet Governance has published a report calling for the creation by governments and other actors of a Social Compact for the Digital Society that provides comprehensive protection for human rights with regard to the internet.
Syrian Groups Critique UN Aid Delivery
June 29, 2016
As conditions worsen for civilians in the resistance-held Syrian city of Aleppo, George Russell writes that Syrian aid organizations are increasingly blaming the UN for excessively deferring to the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad in determining which areas receive humanitarian supplies.
ILO Calls for Labor Intervention in Americas
June 29, 2016
Warning of an economic slowdown in Latin America, a report from the International Labour Organization calls on countries in the region to engage in more integrated "active labour market" interventions, such as employment subsidies, to boost jobs and productivity.
ILO Encourages EU "Social Rights" Protection
June 29, 2016
A new publication from the International Labour Organization calls for EU officials to uphold their pledge to advance a "social rights pillar" in the bloc in order to provide for "upward convergence" among the economies of EU member states.