International Organizations

  • OSCE Official Criticizes Russian News Aggregator Law

    June 27, 2016

    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović has criticized Russian legislation imposing an administrative penalty on online news aggregators that fail to verify the content they distribute.

  • Honduras Uses UN System to Meet Climate Targets

    June 23, 2016

    A press release from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change surveys the record of Honduras in using the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism, which provides "credits" for greenhouse gas emissions-reducing projects and pushes countries to report progress in their emissions reductions.

  • OSCE Official Sets out Standards on Accreditation

    June 23, 2016

    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović has published global standards on the accreditation of journalists that call on governments not to use accreditation as a precondition for entry into a country.

  • Experts Issue Warning on Internet Transfer

    June 23, 2016

    Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation and Paul Rosenzweig of Red Branch Consulting warn that the transfer of oversight over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers to a multistakeholder group including foreign governments may endanger internet autonomy and violate US law.

  • Iran Files ICJ Claim on US Anti-Terror Measures

    June 22, 2016

    The UN's International Court of Justice has announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran has launched proceedings against the US for alleged violations of US treaty obligations by subjecting the assets of Iran and its entities to judicial proceedings due to Iran's support for international terrorism.

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